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How to Make the Most of the Week Before You Step on Stage

The final week before a competition, also known as peak week, is crucial. Here’s how to make the most of it.

Fine-Tune Your Diet

Adjust your diet to eliminate excess water and highlight muscle definition. This often involves carb loading and water manipulation. Consult with a nutritionist or coach for personalized guidance.

Practice Posing

Spend extra time perfecting your posing routine. Practice in your competition suit and under lighting similar to what you’ll experience on stage.

Light Workouts

Focus on light workouts with higher reps to maintain muscle fullness without risking injury. Avoid intense training or heavy lifting.

Rest and Recovery

Ensure you’re getting plenty of rest. Sleep is vital for recovery and overall well-being. Consider light activities like yoga or stretching to stay relaxed.

Final Preparations

Check all your competition gear, from your suit to tanning products. Ensure everything is ready and packed well in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

For more tips on competition prep and high-quality suits, visit Bilbo Sportswear.


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